When we set up our life plans, we are meant to experience who we are before we remember who we are. This means we have to live life's challenges in our earthly lives before we are able to recreate the wonders of HOME.
Robert Schwartz refers to such life blueprints as "learning-through-opposites" plans. His example was of a deeply compassionate soul being incarnated into a highly dysfunctional family, where there isn't any compassion. Through this lack of compassion she turns inwards, whereby she remembers her own compassion. Because of the contrast between the lack of compassion in the physical world and her inner compassion provides her with a more profound understanding of compassion and herself. "From the perspective of the soul, the pain inherent in this learning process is temporary and brief, but the resultant wisdom is literally eternal."
For us to remember who we really are enables us to overcome our life challenges. Since our challenges bring us closer to remembering who we are as souls, the exact event that was the main cause of suffering may ultimately eliminate it. As we grow in the area of understanding ourselves from personality-body to soul we may or may not be able to reduce the pain, but this understanding will definitely ease the suffering we have. This awakening is one of our purposes in life and benefits us in our life's challenges. We discover our passion for life is revitalized to the passion we had before we incarnated.
Once we acknowledge, accept and respond in a positive manner to our challenges, we create a more positive energy that impacts those around us to be able to more easily handle and heal from their challenges. Since we are all connected through our energy, we affect each other.
We all carry our own vibration that is a part of the world's vibration. As we grow through our own challenges we raise our vibrational frequency, which raises the frequency of the world's vibration from within. It is important that we remember that each of us alters the frequency of the universe. If you eminate sadness, those around you will pick up those vibes and it will alter their feelings, just as emanating joy will help those around you to feel joy.
Our energy radiates not only through this earthly dimension, but also through other Universal dimensions. The higher and lower dimensions are spoken of, it does not mean better or worse. When a higher dimension is spoken about, it simply means a vibration at a faster frequency than ours and are not of a physica nature but they do overlap and incorporate lower dimensions.
We are all one. Therefore our individual frequencies that flow out in endless supply affect both nonphysical beings and other people who are quite separate from us, and may seem to be from a different plane of existence.
When we are incarnated, we are not literally removed from our eternal HOME, but our capacity to see the nonphysical part of HOME is limited. Upon our death that veil is dissolved.
When we are in spirit we remember we are all one with all of creativity. Compassion and empathy is our true nature. Even with individual identities we do not perceive ourselves any other way than as one. It is the human brain that perceives the illusion of separation. Once in our physical body we restrict our focus to that body which blocks our perception of oneness.
Thereby we are able to live pre-planned lives and create challenges for ourselves and others.
Our life challenges are planned to achieve certain goals. A common goal is to heal the "negative" energies that weren't taken care of in prior lifetimes. The example that is given is being consumed by fear during one incarnation. When that lifetime ends, this person may carry traces of that energy of fear. If this person died while experiencing great fear, this could be particularly true.
Fear- as a low frequency vibration - cannot reach the high frequency plane where the soul lives, but the residue of fear energy may still cross over. The soul plans a new life around this lingering energy in the hope that it will be healed through love.
Karma also plays a part in the challenges we plan for our life. As either cosmic debt or unbalanced energy with another individual, we have karma with members of our soul group with whom we've shared many lifetimes. Each of us has played many roles of husband, wife, brother, sister, son, daughter, enemy, and beloved friend to the same souls.
We may chose many roles to play in this lifetime that is opposite a role we played in the past - ie. caretaker vs. illness, in order to balance out the energy exchange. Don't forget that neither soul will remember the plan. Perhaps one soul will feel burdened or as if being punished for misdeeds from the past. There isn't any punishment, only a need to balance Karma. We are not victims since we wrote our own life scripts. We can't blame anyone, because there is no blame. We aren't punished by the Universe for making bad things happen.
The law of Karma is neutral, impersonal. When we realize this all of the feelings of blame, victimization and punishment about our life challenges disappear. Once this happens we hope we learned what we'd needed and we appreciate the challenges that expanded our soul.
When we understand our Karma we are able to move beyond judgment, especially to those who've experienced major traumatic setbacks like drug addictions, alcoholism and those who are homeless. The individuals who planned their lives to include addictions and homelessness are living and balancing their past life energies as planned. From the viewpoint of the soul these people are successes instead of failures.
Another life challenge we may plan for is to be of service to others. When in spirit and filled with awareness of oneness, service is viewed as a basic purpose of life. Souls who are balancing Karma and are struggling with life may be performing acts of service. If someone chose to be an alcoholic, perhaps they did so as a service to others so that the others would be able to know and express compassion more thoroughly. As we know, our society judges alcoholics and other addicts harshly.
Our life challenges are planned for our own personal growth. Our learning does not stop after we leave our physical body. It continues on when we are in spirit form between incarnations. What we learn on the soul plane becomes deeply engrained when we are on the physical plane.
The primary theme of pre-birth planning is love. Our life challenges give us chances to express ourselves more deeply as love. Many of us are motivated in life to remember self-love. Remember, we are Love.