Thursday, May 19, 2011


As we grow from infanthood, we forget our true nature. We tend to go through life with our heads lowered, living in fear and unable to acknowledge the strong, noble person inside of us.

Each of us is a divine being, one with the Creator of all that is. Once we accept this and act upon this knowledge with absolute certainty, we become masters of our destiny. We are able to live with self-respect and capable of facing the challenges that fall onto our path.

Since we are all divine beings, we will treat each other as such even if the other is not aware of this knowledge. Only when we accept and act as a divine being will we be able to overcome anger, hatred, jealousy and greed with effortlessness. We will then be overcome with the feeling of love and empathy.

When we come into this world we are born with basic survival skills. These are not taught, but programmed within us. These are the abilities of eating, sleeping, excreting and growing. As babies we are cute and lovable, making the sounds that get us attention, when we want a hug, to be fed, or changed. These are all unconscious acts on our part as infants, meaning that infants don't think about making noises - it just happens. This is an act of survival.

As we grow older we are taught that our parents will feed us and fulfill all of our basic needs without any longer having to use the basic survival skills we were born with. Our parents show love and affection through quality time, respect, acceptance, comfort, etc., just because of who we are.

According to Dr. Roy Martina, we are programmed to find people in general who will not give us what we want and need. The end result is that we become more desperately depressed and clingy, or bitter, aggressive and negative. We project our needs onto others to give them to us, then we either blame ourselves or the world for not giving us what we think we need.

At the first level our consciousness is based upon matter. We use a lot of energy working hard to accomplish our goals, desires, dreams and to get what we need to survive. We are often frustrated by obstacles that get in our way - one being not enough hours in the day to accomplish what we think we need to accomplish. You want to be a success and you are intense about it. This level entails material manifestation. This is your goal.

The second level of consciousness is all about energy. You discover that if you work smarter, you can do less. You begin to follow your intuition and listen to your feelings. You find that when you make choices from your intuition you create a life of harmony. Here you rely on your core values. What is most important to you? Family? Career? Happiness? If we suppress our feelings and intuition, we create dis-ease within our body. There may be a tendency toward illness such as immune dysfunction, cancer and chronic fatigue. You will find that balance and harmony are an essential part of your life now.

The third and final level of consciousness is anti-matter. Work is effortless, thereby boosting and energizing us instead of depleting us, We are one with the Universe; in total synchronicity. The right people seem to cross our paths at the right time for us to create our desires. At this level, we don't waste energy and know the Universe is here to support us. We accept that we are tuned in to our higher consciousness and are guided in allowing our intentions to manifest. Here it is all about communicating with your guides. Your number one priority is spiritual growth and letting go of all distractions.

It's important to know that your relationships will be built on spiritual values with unconditional love. With your complete trust with the Universe, you are on the level of true healing.

As you read these three levels you should be able to recognize in which level you are dominant. Most people are dominant in one level, yet you may also be able to recognize yourself in some of the other levels. Don't be discouraged if you are not in the level you want to be. As with anything in life, it's natural to start at the first level of consciousness and work your way up the ladder.



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