Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Accepting Others

A deep feeling of sadness overcame me yesterday when I heard a broadcast regarding a church in Gainesville, Floriday setting aside a day to burn the Qu'ran. The question of Why has continued to haunt me.

What is the purpose of burning the Islamic Holy Book? What message do they think this will really send to the Muslims who live in this country, or the people who have sought to follow this spiritual path?

The message being sent is that of fear. The same fear that over thousands of year has led to persecution, torture and murder for allowing others their own beliefs, spiritual or personal. Have we not learned anything over the years?

Yes, I agree 100 percent that September 11 was a horrible day. A day of fear, not just for those who watched, as I did, the death and destruction of thousands of people. Not only those who perished, but the friends and families of the lost. But it was also a day of fear for those who created this mass destruction. They were afraid to allow others their beliefs. These people were fanatics, not of the normal Islamic beliefs.

The best message that we can send to anyone is the message of forgiveness. We will not condone or forget the action, but we can forgive those who caused this terrible mass murder.

If we do not release this pain, and forgive, we will carry this burden around on our shoulders for years to come. We will create dis-ease in our own bodies and minds. This burden will become heavier with each day, and the dis-ease will eat at our souls like the most foul of cancer.

I, for one, welcome my Muslim friends with open arms, along with those who have their own spiritual path to follow. We all are on a path to discover our own spiritual self. Just because their path is different from yours or mine, does not mean that they should have to live in fear, watching over their shoulders for harm to come their way.

As I've spent some time studying other spiritual beliefs, I've come to realize, they aren't that different from each other. Religion is just a word. We're all on the path to reach that same goal. A oneness with our Higher Power.

Violence begets violence. Do we want to become known as terrorists to the Muslim Community? This church is threatening to burn a Holy book, is that not a form of terrorism? You are threatening their beliefs, which is the same thing those terrorists were doing to the United States nine years ago.

Please, let's forgive and accept everyone for who they are and allow them to have their own beliefs.

Namaste, Peace and Blessings
