Monday, August 1, 2011

When Your 2nd Chakra is in Balance

Are you enjoying a creative burst of energy? Or are you spontaneously able to lose yourself in the wonder of life?

When your Sacral Chakra is in balance you will find yourself capable of these abilities. You will discover that you find that focusing on your instincts and passions are a way to express your creativity. Your may find that your sexual life is in complete harmony.

A few different techniques that help to enrich this chakra are being involved with nature, art, dance and beauty in all forms. When you have been awakened to this level of consciousness, your senses burst with life and you have cravings for some type of creative activity.

Have you been feeling self-assured lately in the things you are doing? This is another sign of balance, based on a positive self-image. You know you have the ability to attract all that you will need from the Universe.

Once this awareness is brought forth, it cultivates an inner sense of attractiveness, which in turn creates that outer magnestism that reflects this awareness.

Remember the difference between desire and appreciation. Desire is focusing on a state of lack. Appreciation is focusing on what is available.

When you focus on the fulfillment of your second chakra you are able to fully enjoy life, and no longer searching for something better. You know there are always other options,

If you’ve balanced your 1st chakra and awaken your 2nd chakra you will find that you feel secure and there is a lack of jealousy and envy.

Our 2nd chakra drives us to relationships. When you are balanced you have the ability to enjoy others for who they are. If you are unbalanced, you will find that you envy others and you are robbing yourself of the ability to enjoy the life you are living. Envy and jealousy will disempower you.

In order to awaken your 2nd chakra and bring it into balance, surround yourself with pleasure, soak in delights of all of your senses, (ie. sunsets, paintings, doing the things you love to do, all the beauty that surrounds you in nature). Let go of all the guilt and “shoulds” about what you think you ought to be doing. What ever you are doing in this moment, surrender to the pleasure of doing it. Go deep inside yourself to the places that acknowledge this pleasure and how it satisfies you.

If you take the time to let go of your physical beauty and focus on your inner beauty, cultivate it, help it grow, and immerse yourself in your inner truth. You can start doing this through meditation.

Next, we will focus on the different archetypes associated with the 2nd Chakra. Until then,



Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sacral Chakra

The second chakra is located midway between navel and the base of the spine. It spins faster than the red root chakra and is orange in color. If your sacral chakra is balanced and clear, it will glow with a pale, clear white interior. If your chakra is dirty and unbalanced it will appear as burnt orange. The crystals that align with this chakra are carnelian and amber.

The 2nd Chakra is all about pleasure. If you are unbalanced, the search for pleasure is not fulfilled and you continue to chase your tail in order to find it.

These are some of the things that are affected by thoughts and feelings:

  • Those cravings we have for physical pleasures - food, drink, sex or thrill-seeking

  • addictions - drugs, alcohol, food and other substances

  • your body - exercise habits, sleep patterns, weight, health, thoughts about your appearance

  • you want to feel attractive and able to draw the things to you that you desire

  • desire to lose yourself in a world of sensations - you want to feel, touch, taste, smell, and hear

  • to feel life fully and awaken your emotional life

The sacral chakra will reach out and grab whatever brings pleasure and these experiences become habits very easily:
  • sex

  • alcohol

  • chocolate

  • drugs

Soon the habit overcomes the individual who is trapped in the center and the thought of pleasure drives one to indulge or over indulge.

This chakra lets you know what you are attracted to and what repulses you. This is also the area where we begin to develp our personal values. Without values, our search for pleasure is reduced to an undisciplined life. Our values guide us to allow certain pleasure filled opportunities into our life and we learn to develop discrimination toward those opportunities that do not appear to be in our best interest.

If you are worried about any issue regarding your body - am I too fat, am I too thin, I don't like my nose, or any other body part, your chakra will appear shrunken and dirty. You may find that you are experiencing fatigue or listlessness.

If you are obsessed about your body - over doing the exercise in order to have that perfect body, anorexia, bulimia, overeating, etc., this chakra will look dirty and oversized.

When you attempt to recreate pleasure from your past it's important that you realize that
  • you will not find fulfillment
  • quitting any indulgences rarely work. When you push down these indulgent desires, it only grows stronger
  • when you take part in any indulgence, remaining aware that it is an indulgence at the same time, this is the antidote to stop yourself.

When we are pursuing pleasure we tend to lose awareness of the fact that we are indulging in whatever and it can lead to over-indulgence. Once we abstain from whatever it is that has been giving us pleasure, our mind perceives it as a loss to some part of our person and we discover that the yearning never leaves us, it just remains pushed down inside our psyche.

The best remedy is let your indulgences drop away as they no longer serve you. When you begin to focus more on the pleasure, instead of being in pursuit of pleasure, you will abandon certain indulgences because you are more consciously aware that the experience no longer leads to that promised pleasure.

In other words, take a moment to think of something that you do that fills your pleasure center (ie. eating chocolate cake), yet you feel guilty about it. Reach out for that object of pleasure and experience it with all of your awareness. Take that piece of cake and take a bite. How do you experience the sensation of the cake? Are you enjoying it? Are you really tasting it, savoring the flavors, feeling the texture on your tongue, the roof of your mouth, how it slides down your throat? Where in your body are you feeling this enjoyment? Did you bring your full awareness to the experience?

This will help to sensitize your capacity for pleasure and you will become satisfied with less, not more. Get past your guilt and judging yourself, and just get into the experience. Slow down, don't rush it, really experience the pleasure.

When this chakra is unbalanced it leads to insensitivity and baser values. We discover that we need stronger and stronger doses of pleasure in order to get through to the numbness that surrounds the pain from previous experiences or mistrust that has blocked our balanced perspective.

These past experiences are not worth it. It's time to let go of the issue and come back into your balance by finding something you enjoy and can experience with your total being.

The most important clue in recognizing an imbalance in the Sacral Chakra is a desire to lose yourself in sex, drugs, alcohol, food or any stimulating sesation. You may find that you are experiencing jealousy or over-attachment to someone, or something. You are driven by the fear of loss therefore fulfillment in pleasure becomes an impossibility.

Strong passions and emotions are awakened that tend to be destructive and everything that results from this state will only lead to further suffering.

Imbalance can be caused from anxiety concerning your attractiveness. This can be caused by paying too much attention to media marketing (advertising), or so-called fashion guidelines. If you are unable to go anywhere or be seen by others unless you are "put together", or as a friend's mother always says "have her face on", then it has likely gone too far. It's time to reconnect with your own inner beauty and attractiveness to regain your balance.

Do you feel inadequate or uncomfortable in social situations because you perceive you are unable to measure up to others? Are you always comparing yourself to others and coming up short? Do you envy what others have? These are also indicators that you are not in balance in your 2nd Chakra.

Something to think about as I leave you, is that desire and appreciation come from the 2nd Chakra.

Desire is defined as focusing on what you want, but don't have. Focusing on wanting anything is defining yourself in a state of lack. Desire identifies with not having, but wanting the experience.

Appreciation is a higher form of 2nd Chakra consciousness. It takes delight in what is available. Appreciation focuses on what is being experienced. It flows through your entire body with colors, sunsets, music - sensory experiences that are focused on and the satisfaction that it brings.

I will continue the discussion of the 2nd Chakra, how to recognize when it is in balance and what you can do to make the change from imbalance to balance.



Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Chart of Your Life

I've talked before that we plan our lives in the spirit realm before we are incarnated into this body. You may think, yeah, sure a few scribbles here, a few scribbles there. Think again my friend. Your chart, or blueprint, is just that. If you were a house, this blueprint would show where every water line, closet, window and door would go. As a human, it's even more detailed.

Every challenge and lesson you have to learn in this lifetime has been planned out for you. All the rough and dirty stuff.

When we are on the other side with our Spirit Guide writing out our chart, we have absolutely no fear. We re totally confident that there is nothing down here that we cannot handle, nothing that we are unwilling to take on to grow spiritually. Hopefully, our Spirit Guide tightened the reins a bit and calmed us down to be more realistic in the life that we planned for ourself!

What is included in our chart is our intended purpose for living this life, also known as the Life Theme, what our most difficult challenge will be, how and when we will return Home to the Other Side, and who our animal spirit is that we will bring with us. These are just the basics.

Next come the fine details, like eyelashes being painted on a doll.

  • Who are our parents, siblings, and every other family member that we will have.
  • Every detail of our physical appearance. What color is our hair, our eyes, how tall will we be, how much will we weight (this includes the losing and gaining), do we have any birthmarks, disfigurements, or any peculiarities in how we look or walk.
  • The exact time, place and date of our birth - all the little details of our astrological chart.
  • Who our friends, lovers, spouses, children, bosses, coworkers, acquaintances will be, even the pets we will choose for ourselves.
  • We will even pick our enemies we will meet in our life.
  • Every city, neighborhood and house that we will live in, every school that we will attend.

  • What do we love, or hate, all of our flaws and weaknesses. Do we have a sense of humor or not, our skills, talents and gifts, and all of the areas we show incompetence.
  • Every time we cut our finger, break a bone, all of our minor and major illnesses.
  • What hobbies or interests we have. What are we passionate about and all of the little quirky eccentricities that no one knows about except ourselves.
  • Every important and trivial moment of our life has been planned.

Once you arrive here on earth, you need to be aware that even though these things are on the chart that they will happen, you have that choice to change it. Will you decide not to go for that car ride with Uncle Jon and get into a fender bender? Will you decide to go with Grandma instead of going to that birthday party?

If temptation or a shadow appears in your life, you can choose to follow that shadow, get involved and let it cause harm to your life, or you can choose to walk away. If you chose to follow and you got into trouble, this is a lesson that next time you will stay away and not get involved.

Your life is full of options. It isn't what we're confronted with that counts, it's how we deal with what we're confronted with that matters.



Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What is Cell Memory

Cell memory is defined as being the total body of knowledge our spirit minds have gathered during all of our past lives. This knowledge is deposited and reacted to by every cell in the body that we are incarnated in as a fetus.

Cell memory is the key to taking care of hundreds of health problems, phobias/fears, chronic pains, and the small-minded prejudices we have, once we are able to understand the process that creates it.

I’m not a science buff, but what I do know is that our bodies are made up of billions of cells that interact with each other. Each of these cells is a living, breathing, feeling organism. I think my biology teacher would be proud that I retained this much!

These cells receive and respond to the information that it receives from the subconscious mind. When I put someone under hypnosis the subconscious mind is in charge. Our spirit mind lives, safely and soundly intact eternally in our subconscious mind. It doesn’t make any difference how healthy or unhealthy our conscious minds are, our subconscious is healthy.

Every memory from every moment is remembered in our spirit mind. Everything we’ve experienced in this life and others is placed in our spirit mind, from the beginning of our soul creation.

According to Sylvia Browne, “The instant our spirit minds enter our physical bodies for a new incarnation, they’re flooded with the familiarity of being in a body, and all thosr memories and sensations come rushing back.”

This is where deja vu comes into play. When you walk into that room, or meet that certain person, that information is in your cells, in your subconscious mind and all those spirit memories and sensations are responded to. This is your reality and will continue to be your reality until you leave your body and return back to Spirit.

Our cells continue to react to the memories of this life and previous one that our spirit mind has deposited in them, whether we are consciously aware of these memories or not,

If we choose to access these cell memories and understand that they are a part of the lives and deaths we’ve already live, we are able to rid ourselves of illnesses that are deeply buried, phobias, pain and trauma. We are able to give ourselves a “clean slate” within the life we are in the middle of living now.

Cell memories can literally manifest itself in our present lives as illnesses that doctors can’t explain, fears and phobias that we’ve got absolutely no reason to have, or pain that have stumped doctors and can’t be treated. Through past life regressions you are able to discover and release your cell memories.

An example I can give you is regarding myself. As a child I was climbing up in trees, boulder hills, scrambling around like a monkey. I was invinceable. The higher I went the more I loved it. I also loved horses, but have always been terrified of snakes. When I was about eleven I was invited to a friend’s house to ride horses. I was so excited - until I got on. You couldn’t get me off fast enough. Not long after that I was at another friend’s house, and I’d climbed up high and couldn’t come back down. I had a major panic attack and someone had to come and get me. I was terrified that if I tried to come down I would fall and die. From then on I couldn’t go higher than the bottom rung on a ladder without having major anxiety.

During a past life regression, I discovered that around the age of 12, I’d been riding my horse up in some rocky hills – they looked mountainous, and a snake had spooked my horse. I was thrown and fell over the side of the cliff to my death. Through this I’ve been able to work through my fear of heights. I haven’t been around any horses to see if I would even want to ride. And about the snakes… I’m still working on that one!

If you’re interested in learning more about past lives, hypnosis, or having a regression, please check out



Monday, July 11, 2011

Spirit Guides and Totems

We all have guides, spirit and animal alike. Have you just been drawn over and over to one particular animal that you just can't quite understand the attraction? If so, this is most likely your totem or spirit animal.

Totems are any member of the animal kingdom that you have chosen to be your most loyal, constant companion away from our Soul Home. These animals tirelessly stand guard over us and are totally committed to our well-being.

Animals are the most divine creatures of the Creator of all that is. They already possess the sacred wisdom that we continue to return from one life to another to find.

Our totems reveal themselves in several different ways while we're here on earth. If you're drawn to a particular animal, completely fascinated by it - even if you've never owned or seen one, then this is most likely your totem.

Do you collect every statue or stuffed animal that you can find of this creature? I have a friend who is completely taken by hippos. She has quite the collection of statues, stuffed animals and sketches. I am drawn to hawks, falcons, herons, and bears. Hawks are messengers for me, and the bear is my symbol and guide for healing, while herons represent my journey into the subconscious and bringing it to full consciousness. The falcon rides with me to keep me safe.

Along with the chart that we brought with us from Home, we brought along our totem. If you fear or dislike animals, you are missing one of the greatest sources of loyalty and protection you brought with you from Home.

If this is the case, perhaps it's time to find out why you dislike or fear animals, and overcome it if you can. No one should deprive themselves of the unconditional love, loyalty and protection animals give to us.

Our Spirit Guide is someone we trusted one hundred percent with our soul from our Home on the Other Side. They agreed to be our constant companion and helper when we made the decision to return to another life here on earth.

All Spirit Guides have been incarnated for at least one life. They've experienced all of the challenges, pains, fears, frustrations, mistakes and failures that we all encounter in the human world.

Your relationship with your Guide was developed between your spirit and theirs before you were born. So if you're wondering, it won't be someone that you've known in this lifetime.

Your Guide's job is to encourage, advise and support you in reaching the goals you've set for yourself in this lifetime. They took the time to get to learn who we were at Home through observation before we came back to earth. They memorized every detail of our chart, which we forget once we are born, then added their own perspective to the chart through other soul charts and the Akashic records.

You may be saying, yeah right, if my Guide is supposed to be watching out for me, then why didn't he stop me from doing.... One of the jobs of the Spirit Guide is to never interfere with whatever decision or choice you make, or to take away your free will.

You made a deal with the Creator and your Guides right from the start that you'd go through this lifetime here on earth to learn and grow. Just like with a parent or caregiver, you can't learn and grow if you're constantly shielded from the lessons you need to learn. A parent or caregiver is given many years to teach, show and help their child make decisions, the right choices, and to learn from their challenges. But a child still has free will to abide by their parents' wishes or to choose their own way. If the parent or caregiver consistently makes the decision or choice for the child, what does the child learn and how does he grow? The same goes for a Spirit Guide. They are not here to shield us from the life challenges that come our way to help or hinder our development.

Our Spirit Guides communicate with us in several ways, if we 'd just open ourselves to listen. You may think you're hearing your own voice talking inside your head. Sometimes this may be your monkey mind, or ego. Other times it's your Guides, or Guardian Angel. You need to learn to discern the difference through what's being told to you. Your Guide can also use telepathy or infused knowledge to get the information to you.

If your gut instinct or your conscience is telling you something, this is most likely a message from your Spirit Guide. Have you ever decided to take a different route to work or school without any good reason? Did you learn later that there was a very bad accident that happened along your normal route? You need to know you received your Guide's message.

You are always welcome to talk to your Guide. You can and should ask for their help, guidance and assurance whenever you want or need. Just remember they can't and won't interfere with what was written on your chart before your birth. They won't prevent us from receiving the lessons that we came here to learn.
If you don't know who your Spirit Guide is, don't use it as an excuse not to talk with them. If you want to know their name, just ask them or just make one up. They will respond to any name that you choose.

The more you communicate with your Guide, the clearer your communication will be with them, and they will be more effective in keeping their promise to help you to live the life you chose to live.

Our Spirit Guides send us off when we leave Home to return to earth, and they are the first to greet us when we return Home once this life is completed. There, they will help us to make sense of all that happened to us here on earth.

Have you stopped to whisper a thank you to your Guide today?

If you'd like to learn more about Spirit Guides, please check out classes and events.



Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Planning Your Life Before Birth II

When we set up our life plans, we are meant to experience who we are before we remember who we are. This means we have to live life's challenges in our earthly lives before we are able to recreate the wonders of HOME.

Robert Schwartz refers to such life blueprints as "learning-through-opposites" plans. His example was of a deeply compassionate soul being incarnated into a highly dysfunctional family, where there isn't any compassion. Through this lack of compassion she turns inwards, whereby she remembers her own compassion. Because of the contrast between the lack of compassion in the physical world and her inner compassion provides her with a more profound understanding of compassion and herself. "From the perspective of the soul, the pain inherent in this learning process is temporary and brief, but the resultant wisdom is literally eternal."

For us to remember who we really are enables us to overcome our life challenges. Since our challenges bring us closer to remembering who we are as souls, the exact event that was the main cause of suffering may ultimately eliminate it. As we grow in the area of understanding ourselves from personality-body to soul we may or may not be able to reduce the pain, but this understanding will definitely ease the suffering we have. This awakening is one of our purposes in life and benefits us in our life's challenges. We discover our passion for life is revitalized to the passion we had before we incarnated.

Once we acknowledge, accept and respond in a positive manner to our challenges, we create a more positive energy that impacts those around us to be able to more easily handle and heal from their challenges. Since we are all connected through our energy, we affect each other.

We all carry our own vibration that is a part of the world's vibration. As we grow through our own challenges we raise our vibrational frequency, which raises the frequency of the world's vibration from within. It is important that we remember that each of us alters the frequency of the universe. If you eminate sadness, those around you will pick up those vibes and it will alter their feelings, just as emanating joy will help those around you to feel joy.

Our energy radiates not only through this earthly dimension, but also through other Universal dimensions. The higher and lower dimensions are spoken of, it does not mean better or worse. When a higher dimension is spoken about, it simply means a vibration at a faster frequency than ours and are not of a physica nature but they do overlap and incorporate lower dimensions.

We are all one. Therefore our individual frequencies that flow out in endless supply affect both nonphysical beings and other people who are quite separate from us, and may seem to be from a different plane of existence.

When we are incarnated, we are not literally removed from our eternal HOME, but our capacity to see the nonphysical part of HOME is limited. Upon our death that veil is dissolved.

When we are in spirit we remember we are all one with all of creativity. Compassion and empathy is our true nature. Even with individual identities we do not perceive ourselves any other way than as one. It is the human brain that perceives the illusion of separation. Once in our physical body we restrict our focus to that body which blocks our perception of oneness.

Thereby we are able to live pre-planned lives and create challenges for ourselves and others.

Our life challenges are planned to achieve certain goals. A common goal is to heal the "negative" energies that weren't taken care of in prior lifetimes. The example that is given is being consumed by fear during one incarnation. When that lifetime ends, this person may carry traces of that energy of fear. If this person died while experiencing great fear, this could be particularly true.

Fear- as a low frequency vibration - cannot reach the high frequency plane where the soul lives, but the residue of fear energy may still cross over. The soul plans a new life around this lingering energy in the hope that it will be healed through love.

Karma also plays a part in the challenges we plan for our life. As either cosmic debt or unbalanced energy with another individual, we have karma with members of our soul group with whom we've shared many lifetimes. Each of us has played many roles of husband, wife, brother, sister, son, daughter, enemy, and beloved friend to the same souls.

We may chose many roles to play in this lifetime that is opposite a role we played in the past - ie. caretaker vs. illness, in order to balance out the energy exchange. Don't forget that neither soul will remember the plan. Perhaps one soul will feel burdened or as if being punished for misdeeds from the past. There isn't any punishment, only a need to balance Karma. We are not victims since we wrote our own life scripts. We can't blame anyone, because there is no blame. We aren't punished by the Universe for making bad things happen.

The law of Karma is neutral, impersonal. When we realize this all of the feelings of blame, victimization and punishment about our life challenges disappear. Once this happens we hope we learned what we'd needed and we appreciate the challenges that expanded our soul.

When we understand our Karma we are able to move beyond judgment, especially to those who've experienced major traumatic setbacks like drug addictions, alcoholism and those who are homeless. The individuals who planned their lives to include addictions and homelessness are living and balancing their past life energies as planned. From the viewpoint of the soul these people are successes instead of failures.

Another life challenge we may plan for is to be of service to others. When in spirit and filled with awareness of oneness, service is viewed as a basic purpose of life. Souls who are balancing Karma and are struggling with life may be performing acts of service. If someone chose to be an alcoholic, perhaps they did so as a service to others so that the others would be able to know and express compassion more thoroughly. As we know, our society judges alcoholics and other addicts harshly.

Our life challenges are planned for our own personal growth. Our learning does not stop after we leave our physical body. It continues on when we are in spirit form between incarnations. What we learn on the soul plane becomes deeply engrained when we are on the physical plane.

The primary theme of pre-birth planning is love. Our life challenges give us chances to express ourselves more deeply as love. Many of us are motivated in life to remember self-love. Remember, we are Love.



Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Have you been writing in your journal each day? Are you discovering any negativity pouring out of you as you write first thing in the morning? If you are, you need to realize that all of this whiny, petty stuff is what's standing between you and your creativity.

All of the stuff we worry about on a day to day basis - the laundry, the spat we had with our loved one, or our job only muddies our day by clogging up our subconscious. Get all this "stuff" out on the page! Clear your mind of all these worries.

You do not have to be an artist, writer, actress, or anyone working in the "arts". We are all creative in our own way - a baker, a software programmer, a landscaper, architect, day care worker, or a stay-at-home Mom. If we are blocked from doing our job by constant worrying too much, we tend to criticize ourselves without mercy. We may not be doing enough or what we've done is completely wrong.

In this way we've turned ourselves into victims of the perfect person syndrome - that nasty, ugly gremlin, aka Monkey Mind, who sits on our shoulders and constantly criticizes and ridicules us. In turn we believe those comments to be the truth. By the way, your Monkey Mind lives in the left brain.

The number one rule to remember is that Monkey Mind does not speak the truth.

The best time to evade Monkey Mind is first thing in the morning. This is when you scribble your thoughts in your journal. Monkey Mind's opinion doesn't count toward anything. Let him keep on talking. All you have to do is keep moving your hand across the page. If you want to include Monkey Mind's comments you can do so, but take note that Monkey Mind is just out to get you.

One way to extract some of Monkey Mind's power over you is to find a nasty looking cartoon creature that you identify as your gremlin. This will help you to stop allowing Monkey Mind to be your voice of reason and instead acknowledging the harm it is causing you by blocking your creative abilities.

You may find that by writing your pages each morning that your inner "creative" child is being fed and paid attention to. He/she is allowed to speak his/her mind. It doesn't make one bit of difference what mood you may be in when you start. I can pretty much guarantee that if you're crabby or stressed when you start, you'll feel alot better when you're done.

Some of you are asking "What am I supposed to write about?" The answer: "Whatever pops into your mind." There isn't any right or wrong way to journal your "morning pages". Just write. You'll surprise yourself when you've discovered you've worked your way through the fear you may be feeling about something, a decision that needed to be made, pushed past the negativity you've been holding on to, or worked your way out of a down-in-the-dumps mood.

According to Julia Cameron we have two types of brain. Logic brain (left brain) is the brain of choice in the Western Hemisphere. Logic brain is categorized in a neat, linear fashion. This is our survival brain, that works on the "knowns" - our belief system. In hypnosis, the knowns is everything we've been taught (right or wrong) until age 8 or 9, when our critical mind came into being. Anything that is unknown to us is either wrong or dangerous. This is the brain we listen to. This is the Gremlin aka Monkey Mind who will try to talk us out of anything that we want to try to do because it isn't logical or it is unknown.

The Artist  brain (right brain) is like a child - excited about what it sees, hears, smells, feels, or tastes. It is an inventor - putting a variety of odds and ends together to create a masterpiece.

Our artist brain is creative, holistic, associative and freewheeling. It sees things in a way that Logic brain doesn't ever see.

If you start to journal first thing in the morning you'll begin to teach your logic brain to move aside and let artist brain have fun. You'll discover that you aren't listening to the ridicule from Monkey Mind anymore, and you may be delighted to discover you've come up with an amazing solution to that problem you've been struggling with at work.

Writing in your journal can also be looked at as a form of meditation. You'll discover awesome insight that may help you change your life. You'll find your true identity, you place on the Universal path of life. You'll connect to your inner energy source that can help you to change your outer world.

Your pages become a pathway to a clear and strong sense of self and you will find you are able to create a link between the light of insight and the power of your energy source to come into contact with the Creator within. Best of all, you'll find yourself in touch with that source of wisdom that resides deep inside of you.

I have been doing morning pages off and on for about eleven years now. I've found it truly amazing to discover such strength, wisdom and power so deep inside myself. It certainly has changed many of the things I've thought about myself from the time I was a child until now.

My journaling has helped me to grow into myself more, to work through many life challenges and to connect with my soul on a profound level. For me, my pages are part of my spiritual journey. Your pages can be for whatever reason you choose to use them for.

I've resolved to start doing morning pages every day. Even if I don't think there's something inside of me that needs to be worked through my subconscious is able to help me out with that. No matter how big or small - whether to plant a rose bush in that corner, go to Rome on holiday, or if you need to work on forgiveness for yourself or another, your pages are there to assist you.

Happy writing my friends.



Tuesday, June 14, 2011


It's time to finish the root chakra so that we can move on to the Sacral Chakra or second chakra.

Our chakra system is entwined with our endocrine glands which control the chemical factories of our body via our hormones. All of this is connected to our energy from the most subtle level up to the physical level.

Did you know that our chakras are connected to our past and our current attitudes? In other words our past/biology and attitudes/thinking equals our biology.

You need to remember that our chakras also connect us to our soul.

It's time to raise our awareness of our root chakra. Since survival is the key to our root chakra it makes sense that this chakra is one that is based on a fear of change. Change is a threat to our survival goes on to lead us to a fear of success and a fear of rejection.

Part of our growing process in when we commit ourselves to fulfilling our values. This is success. Our growing process entails valuing ourselves, forgiving ourselves and loving ourselves. Every mistake we make is part of growing as a person.

According to Dr. Roy Martina, in order to raise the manifestation and creative powers of the root chakra, we must become process-oriented instead of results-oriented. Success is not determined by the end result of a project, but the person we become while we pursue the final goal. If you feel as if you "failed" to achieve the outcome you were looking for, it's time to step back and ask yourself these questions: Did I "fail" because I wanted to get someones attention, care, or another basic need met? Did I really want to stay in my comfort zone? Did I really want the goal that I'd chosen for myself? or Did I do this for me or did I do it for someone else or to prove myself to someone else?

We've all been known to say or feel "I didn't succeed in reaching my goal because I couldn't....". Success is embracing your talents and skills but also your limitations and weaknesses (your identity). EMOTIONAL BALANCE

Have you listened to your self-talk lately? Is there some self-criticism going on upstairs? This is an indication of dischord or disharmony in your root chakra. Superficial opinions, formalities, pride, perfectionism, stinginess, pettiness and narrow-mindedness are also good indicators.

Other things to be aware of are becoming attached to rules, structure, organization, and you prefer secrets, ceremonies, rituals, suspicions and superstitions.

Once you become aware of these behaviors, you can begin to balance your root chakra by learning to let go, connecting with the universal consciousness, tolerating other people, places and things, humbleness, love, becoming softer and more compassionate to others, and acquiring a team spirit. We're all here to work for the greater good.

Some basic points to remember are:
1) The elements attached to the root chakra are Matter, Earth.
2) The organs involved are rectum, colon, adrenals, stress, bones, legs, blood vessels, and immune system.
3) Consciousness is all about survival, security, bodily functions and adaptation to change.
4) When we are in harmony we trust, have self-respect, have the ability to let go, acceptance of others and     ourselves, and we feel safe.
5) When we are in disharmony with our root chakra we have these behaviors: humiliation, shame, abuse of authority and feeling inferior.
6) The second truth is ALL IS ONE.
7) The Root chakra sacrament is baptism, welcoming into life, family and community.
8) Our energy comes from our tribe's power.
9) Fears attached to root chakra: fear of change, fear of rejection.
10) In order to stay balanced feed your body nutritious foods and positive thoughts.
11) We place emphasis on competitive happiness and success.
12) The use of positive affirmations start with "It is safe for me..." "I am able..." "I have..."

I welcome any comments regarding your study of the root chakra or any work you've done with your chakras. Have you noticed any changes in your life?



Monday, June 13, 2011


Have you ever wondered if you planned your life before you were born? ALL aspects of your life? ALL of the experiences you've gone through and will continue to go through until your death?

This idea may seem extremely radical to you, especially if some of the events in your life have been traumatic. If you are willing to accept that pre-birth planning is a possibility, you may be on the path to learning to understand and embrace all of the challenges, including the most painful ones that have occurred in your life.

If you take the time to ask yourself "If I did plan this experience before I was born, why might I have done so?" Asking yourself these questions can help open you up to a journey of self-discovery and exploring our life challenges more.

As an eternal soul, which we all are, you planned the life you currently live. You didn't have any concerns about what your mind would come to know. What your eternal soul wanted was to experience the feelings that a physical life would generate. Our life's challenges are vital to the soul's self-knowing due to the feelings these challenges create.

Our mind is a barrier. When our mind and our soul do not connect and communicate we are out of balance. Our life's adventure is a journey from the head to the heart. All of the challenges we've planned assist this journey by opening our heart so that we may know them better and value what they offer.

When we decide that we want to incarnate we make very detailed and endless-reaching plans. We plan not only our life's challenges, but we choose who our parents will be, just as they choose us. We decide when and where we will be born, the schools we will go to, the homes we live in, the people we will meet and what relationships we will have.

Have you ever felt upon meeting someone that you know them already? You may have a very positive feeling toward the, or one that's not so good, or it's a terrible feeling. It's very possible that this person was a part of your pre-birth planning.

Perhaps a place, name, image, or phrase strikes a chord within you the first time you hear it. This may be something you heard or discussed before you incarnated.

Have you ever had a moment of de ja vu? Usually these are associated with past lives, but they can also be memories of our pre-birth plans.

As we are sent into this life, we are made to forget what we planned. We are aware that this amnesia is self-induced, prior to our ever being incarnated. According to Robert Schwarz, the phrase "behind the veil" refers to this state of forgetfulness. If we come into this world knowing that we are divine souls and our life plans, there wouldn't be any challenges, lessons or growth. This may sound great, but to me, this would be a boring existence. One in which I would never have to figure out who I am; get to know the "real" me.

To use an analogy, if you never experienced the cold, how would you understand and appreciate hot? The contrast between hot and cold leads to a more complete understanding, which in turn would lead to your ultimate goal - remembering. Our world consists of duality; up/down, light/dark, good/bad. Sorrow reveals joy. Chaos enhances appreciation of peace. Hatred deepens our knowledge of love. Can you imagine if you never had the opportunity to experience these challenges of humanity, you would never be able to know your own divinity.

Have you ever wondered where your interest for something came from? For example, you're drawn to the feel and smell of freshly cut wood. Images of beautiful hand hewn furniture pop into your mind when you gaze at a piece of teak, or walnut. No one in your family is a carpenter or shown you anything regarding woodworking or furniture making. In you head you know this is something you must learn to do. Your hands itch to create something with this piece of wood. You find yourself stroking the wood like a lost love. Yet you are unable to understand this connection to wood, carpentry or furniture craftsmanship.

A challenge is before you - one you can ignore it, or you can take that piece of wood, learn, practice, create. You continue to work on this until you're a master craftsman. Once you're done, you remember something - what you created was something from HOME. This memory may trigger another - you are this craftsmanship - this carpenter, creator of beautiful wood furniture. You were this and it was you - not from outside of you, but from deep inside.

You have opened up a new place where you now truly know yourself. If you'd never left HOME, would this have been possible?

This is what our soul desired. To experience yourself. To discover the personality of a human being; a portion of the soul's energy in a physical body.

Our personalities are traits that only exist in non-physical bodies. Upon our death, our immortal core reunites with our soul. It is important to remember that our personalities have free will. The challenges we planned before birth can either be accepted or resisted. We can go through life becoming angry and bitter with each challenge or respond with love and compassion. If you're unwilling to accept that your challenges were planned before birth, our choices become clearer and easier to make.

The emotions we feel are actually communications from our soul. Joy, peace, excitement are indications that we are behaving in our true nature as loving souls. Fear and doubt are not in our true nature. The physical body receives and transmits energy that tells us through our emotions or feeling whether we are in or out of contact with who we really are and in how we express ourselves toward others.

Can you take some time and go back through you life and look at the challenges that you dealt with, the choices you made, and honestly see the direction you headed and where those choices may have lead you? It doesn't pay to look back at the past with regret, but to look at the past and see the lessons and the direction we moved in to accomplish a small step along the path of the life we planned before birth.



Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Functional Root Chakra Archetype - the Mother

When we think of Mother, hopefully all of us think of a nurturing, loving, giving, kind person. Someone who takes care of us when we are hurt, physically and emotionally.

This person teaches us to take care of ourselves and to love ourselves, others and life. She teaches us to honor our needs and assists us in integrating our feminine aspects of our personality so that we are able to love.

Unfortunately, not everyone has grown up with a mother who was able to, physically or spiritually, or unwilling to give or teach any of these things to us. This is when we draw upon the Mother Archetype we all possess inside of us to give us what we need.

If we are able to stop projecting our needs onto our own Mother or substitutes for our Mother, we will make our own lives richer and more fulfilling. We will be able to care for ourselves and make our lives right.

The Mother is the functional archetype for the Root Chakra.  The more we develop a strong relationship with The Mother, the less the victim will be the center or all-consuming aspect of our lives. Remember that a major part of being a victim is being ungrounded.

The Mother is all about being grounded in earth energy. She nurtures, feeds, watches out for us, and provides for all of our needs. We know she's always there for us no matter what.

The Mother archetype is embedded within all of us. When we lose our grounding - or become the Victim, we have lost contact with the Mother.

As we continue to learn, grow, mature, and are able to confront the challenges that life puts in front of us, and develop the Mother within us.  At this point we'll understand our physical limitations, our emotional strength and weakness. We'll focus and think more clearly. When we become our own good mother we'll know where we stand in life.

Life is Mother. The two words are synonymous. When we connect our roots in the earth, our life is simple. The Mother is within, keeping us well and we feel safe.

In this day and age our lives can become complicated and out of balance at the snap of a finger. This is when we need to draw on the Mother within, and do the simple things that give us comfort and ground us.

I find great comfort in gardening, writing and quilting. I am able to settle and ground myself when I work on any of my projects. The chaos of the world and my life isn't as daunting anymore. I am at peace and solutions are easily found for challenges that aren't so complex. These activities help to soothe and heal me - emotionally, physically and spiritually.

If I stray too far from my roots - the things that give me comfort, I am cut off from the Mother's love and energy, She will not thrive. I become confused and lost. I no longer know who I am.  I am way out of balance and my life is total chaos.  I find I am completely drained of all energy.

Have you ever been able to relate to this feeling of being totally lost and disoriented? Have you stopped doing the things that you love to do?

We all need to be aware of what is needed to keep balance and harmony in our lives. This keeps us nourished, cared for and loved. Mothers tune in to the needs of their children and respond in kind. We have to tune in to our inner self and listen to what we need in order to find balance and harmony in our lives. The more the Mother is active in our lives the healthier and happier we are.

We all have to take responsibility for ourselves. One of these ways is to look after your needs - nurturing and feeling safe and secure. In this way you will discover you have the ability to manage your life leaving you healthy and happy. The better you care for yourself, the less dependent you are upon others to "mother" you.

Some people go through life believing they have to have someone else take care of them and their needs in order to survive. They expect that others will tend to their needs and gratification. They've never learned to be self-sufficient and the Mother archetype has never developed.

When the Mother is weak and undeveloped, you will stumble and fall throughout your life.  Mother is the foundation for growth and development, and helps you to become aware of your needs in order to take care of yourself.




Friday, May 20, 2011


We all have choices in our lives. We can choose to continue to work a job where we are totally miserable, angry and depressed about everything that goes on around us, or we can choose to find another job.

We can choose to remain in a marriage with a partner who is unfaithful, abusive - emotionally, physically and mentally, or we can walk away or seek help.

We can choose to be happy or we can choose to be miserable in every decision that we make. You may be snorting over my comments, thinking why would anyone choose to stay in a job that makes them miserable or with someone who is abusive? You would be surprised how many people do. Perhaps if you look closely, you'll even have to admit to yourself that this could be you.

Perhaps it's time to re-evaluate your life and find what's truly important to you. What have you missed out on in your life? Is there something that you've always wanted to do, but you just keep putting off doing it? What's the good of wanting to do something if you aren't going on to do it?

You can choose to stand up for yourself and speak your mind, or you can choose to keep burying it deep inside of yourself. This is called AVOIDANCE. You do anything and everything to think of something else so that you don't have to deal with what you're really feeling.

You are denying your soul happiness. You are denying yourself - your physical being, all the joy in the world if you remain in a (ie. job, relationship, location) where you are completely miserable not only to yourself but to those that you love. 

You may say that you don't have anywhere else to go, but you do. There are always choices. Talk to your soul, dig deep inside and find the answers. Are you being fair to yourself or to others?

If you're truly miserable in your job, are you doing the best you can do? How many days are you out sick each month? How often do you schedule vacation because you can't stand to be there any longer? If you truly loved your job you would yearn to go to work each day. Sickness would be an unheard word, because your inner self is happy, not holding on to grudges, hurts or anger.

The same with relationships, past and present. If you continue to hold on to the anger, hurt, grudges, and all of the "stuff", you are keeping yourself from moving forward. If you aren't in the relationship any longer, good for you, but for heaven's sake, let it go.

You won't be able to even get close to another relationship - a good relationship - unless you get rid of all that baggage that you're carrying around with you. Forgive  yourself and the other person, release it to the Universe to handle all of those emotions and get on with your life. 

If you want to salvage your present relationship, then you need to dig deep to figure out all the positive good reasons to keep it, and get the help you need to restore it.  Sometimes no matter how hard we try to hang on to a relationship, it isn't meant to be. If you've done everything you can, and nothing is working, accept defeat and walk away.

There isn't any blame or judgement on either part. There was a purpose for the job, the relationship, or the place you moved to. The Universe put you there for a reason - but you always had a choice to accept or not accept the reason.

It's time that we all learn to open up and listen to our soul. There are some very important messages to be heard. Perhaps if we did, we wouldn't find so much conflict within our lives.