The 2nd Chakra is all about pleasure. If you are unbalanced, the search for pleasure is not fulfilled and you continue to chase your tail in order to find it.
These are some of the things that are affected by thoughts and feelings:
- Those cravings we have for physical pleasures - food, drink, sex or thrill-seeking
- addictions - drugs, alcohol, food and other substances
- your body - exercise habits, sleep patterns, weight, health, thoughts about your appearance
- you want to feel attractive and able to draw the things to you that you desire
- desire to lose yourself in a world of sensations - you want to feel, touch, taste, smell, and hear
- to feel life fully and awaken your emotional life
The sacral chakra will reach out and grab whatever brings pleasure and these experiences become habits very easily:
- sex
- alcohol
- chocolate
- drugs
Soon the habit overcomes the individual who is trapped in the center and the thought of pleasure drives one to indulge or over indulge.
This chakra lets you know what you are attracted to and what repulses you. This is also the area where we begin to develp our personal values. Without values, our search for pleasure is reduced to an undisciplined life. Our values guide us to allow certain pleasure filled opportunities into our life and we learn to develop discrimination toward those opportunities that do not appear to be in our best interest.
If you are worried about any issue regarding your body - am I too fat, am I too thin, I don't like my nose, or any other body part, your chakra will appear shrunken and dirty. You may find that you are experiencing fatigue or listlessness.
If you are obsessed about your body - over doing the exercise in order to have that perfect body, anorexia, bulimia, overeating, etc., this chakra will look dirty and oversized.
When you attempt to recreate pleasure from your past it's important that you realize that
- you will not find fulfillment
- quitting any indulgences rarely work. When you push down these indulgent desires, it only grows stronger
- when you take part in any indulgence, remaining aware that it is an indulgence at the same time, this is the antidote to stop yourself.
When we are pursuing pleasure we tend to lose awareness of the fact that we are indulging in whatever and it can lead to over-indulgence. Once we abstain from whatever it is that has been giving us pleasure, our mind perceives it as a loss to some part of our person and we discover that the yearning never leaves us, it just remains pushed down inside our psyche.
The best remedy is let your indulgences drop away as they no longer serve you. When you begin to focus more on the pleasure, instead of being in pursuit of pleasure, you will abandon certain indulgences because you are more consciously aware that the experience no longer leads to that promised pleasure.
In other words, take a moment to think of something that you do that fills your pleasure center (ie. eating chocolate cake), yet you feel guilty about it. Reach out for that object of pleasure and experience it with all of your awareness. Take that piece of cake and take a bite. How do you experience the sensation of the cake? Are you enjoying it? Are you really tasting it, savoring the flavors, feeling the texture on your tongue, the roof of your mouth, how it slides down your throat? Where in your body are you feeling this enjoyment? Did you bring your full awareness to the experience?
This will help to sensitize your capacity for pleasure and you will become satisfied with less, not more. Get past your guilt and judging yourself, and just get into the experience. Slow down, don't rush it, really experience the pleasure.
When this chakra is unbalanced it leads to insensitivity and baser values. We discover that we need stronger and stronger doses of pleasure in order to get through to the numbness that surrounds the pain from previous experiences or mistrust that has blocked our balanced perspective.
These past experiences are not worth it. It's time to let go of the issue and come back into your balance by finding something you enjoy and can experience with your total being.
The most important clue in recognizing an imbalance in the Sacral Chakra is a desire to lose yourself in sex, drugs, alcohol, food or any stimulating sesation. You may find that you are experiencing jealousy or over-attachment to someone, or something. You are driven by the fear of loss therefore fulfillment in pleasure becomes an impossibility.
Strong passions and emotions are awakened that tend to be destructive and everything that results from this state will only lead to further suffering.
Imbalance can be caused from anxiety concerning your attractiveness. This can be caused by paying too much attention to media marketing (advertising), or so-called fashion guidelines. If you are unable to go anywhere or be seen by others unless you are "put together", or as a friend's mother always says "have her face on", then it has likely gone too far. It's time to reconnect with your own inner beauty and attractiveness to regain your balance.
Do you feel inadequate or uncomfortable in social situations because you perceive you are unable to measure up to others? Are you always comparing yourself to others and coming up short? Do you envy what others have? These are also indicators that you are not in balance in your 2nd Chakra.
Something to think about as I leave you, is that desire and appreciation come from the 2nd Chakra.
Desire is defined as focusing on what you want, but don't have. Focusing on wanting anything is defining yourself in a state of lack. Desire identifies with not having, but wanting the experience.
Appreciation is a higher form of 2nd Chakra consciousness. It takes delight in what is available. Appreciation focuses on what is being experienced. It flows through your entire body with colors, sunsets, music - sensory experiences that are focused on and the satisfaction that it brings.
I will continue the discussion of the 2nd Chakra, how to recognize when it is in balance and what you can do to make the change from imbalance to balance.