When we do these things our dreams become more focused and they begin to serve our higher level needs. Our dreams become helpful by getting us back on track with life. Once you start taking care of your basic needs, your dreams can begin to give you spiritual messages.
We are made up of energy, When taken care of properly; our energy has the ability to clear up our life, to get back on track and to help us solve the challenges that appear in our lives. Were you aware that you have the ability to ask your dreams to help you find the answers to your challenges and the answer will come to you in your dreams?
Here is one way for you to do this. Before going to sleep at night, sit down on the edge of your bed. Take in several deep breaths, relax, bring whatever problem or challenge that is concerning you to the front of your mind Concentrate on it, analyze every part of it in your mind. You are not attempting to solve it; you’re just going back over it from every possible angle, making the challenge fresh in your mind once more. Then say, either out loud or silently in your mind, “Tonight as I sleep, I will have a dream which will lead me in the direction which will allow me to settle the challenge I am working on. The problem (or I prefer, challenge) I am working on is (and fill in the blank). I will have this dream tonight and I will understand it and I will remember it. Once I wake up in the morning I will write it down, I am opening my mind, my heart and my soul to the highest guidance that I can receive a resolution in this matter.” Simple, right? Now just go to sleep. Immediately upon waking, write it down or record it on a digital recorder.
Another method to use and this is the one I personally use is to journal just before I go to bed. If I have a challenge in my life I write it all down, looking at it from all directions. Then I go to sleep, I record my dream as soon as I awaken. Don’t wait too long because you will forget details.
For either of these methods, it is important that you follow a few guidelines:
1. Keep a dream journal. I just use my regular journal, but if you choose you can have a separate one. Write it down or record it in as much detail as possible. Remember to capture it all so that you don’t forget, Jot down a note about how you felt in the dream ~ any emotions that appeared. Try to stay positive. It isn’t necessary for you to interpret your dream immediately.
2. Stay away from drugs not prescribed by your doctor, and alcohol. Both will interfere with your dreams.
3. If possible, and highly recommended don’t eat just before going to sleep, It isn’t conducive for dreaming, and this is an unhealthy practice.
4. Relax when you go to bed. Your dreams will come naturally. You can’t force them.
5. If you choose to use the first method say your programming with conviction,
If you don’t get an answer, reword how you’re asking. It is important to ask powerful question in order to get helpful answers.
Until next week,
Happy Dreaming
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