Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Recovering and Discovering Creativity

Tuesday, just like any other day is a wonderful day to be creative. Whether it be working in the garden, writing a book, playing a musical instrument, preparing a meal, or coming up with an extraordinary idea to make your job much easier. There are hundreds of ways to be creative.

This Universe came in to being by creativity. When we were born we were all given the gift of creativity. How you learned to use it was your choice. You may have become a Donald Trump, a President Obama, Marilyn Monroe, Gregory Peck or a Michelangelo. Even better, you became a leader in the company you work for, or a stay at home Mom (this in itself requires alot of creative ideas to entertain your children, while also being a full-time housekeeper), a teacher, a quilter - who loves her hobby, or a student.

Unfortunately, some people use their creativity to cause harm in the universe, Adolf Hitler, Osama BinLaden, Sadaam Hussein, and Charles Manson, to name a few of the ones who reached the higher ranks of notoriety for all of the wrong reasons.

You may think of creativity as the times in grade school when you had to sit and color within the lines, or make a paper mache globe for an art project. But how many of you did a project for the science fair, joined drama, the debate team, or went on to play in the marching band or orchestra? When you grew up to become a trial lawyer, where do you think your strategy and closing arguments came from?

Our creative atist is not just a small child who has dreams that our parents don't approve of. If your parents disapproved of your dreams as a child, and you stopped pursuing what your heart craved, are you doing the same thing to your own children? If so, please stop. For one thing, you are causing blockages in your child's root chakra by having them give up on their dreams to possibly live someone else's.

When we allow our creativity to flow, we are opening a gate to let the Universe flow through us. According to Julia Cameron in "The Artist Way" "The heart of creativity is an experience of the mystical union; the heart of the mystical union is an experience of creativity."

Our creativity can be a truly spiritual experience for each one of us. This does not mean that you are required to believe in God. In order for your creativity to advance and as the gates open, pay attention to the process as it unfolds.

Many of you long to be more creative. Some of you claim you don't have a creative bone in your body, while others may sense they are creative but  aren't sure how to tap into it.

Do your dreams skirt around you, leaving your life a bit dull and flat? Do you find that you have awesome dreams and ideas, but you have no idea how to go about accomplishing them for yourself? Have you ever wanted to learn to play the pano, paint a picture, write a book, or act?

Discovering our creative potential or recovering what was buried is a learnable process. You may find yourself highly excitable or completely rejecting the process when you first begin, Then you may become angry once you've gotten into it because it's harder than you think and certain emotions are popping to the surface, Then perhaps grief, resistance and finally hope will come hrough as you continue to grow and explore. You may even choose to abandon everything and return to your comfort zone of "life before" whatever you're trying to do.

You may be asking why there is so much emotional turmoil just from taking an art class, for example. When we start the creative recovery (if you wanted to be an artist as a child), and you were told it was a ridiculous idea, you wouldn't make ir, or you'd starve to death, all of these emotions, heartbreak, frustration, anger, or grief wil start to surface.

These are things we need to work through in order to help reclaim that part of us that was closed off. Perhaps you'll realize that the life you are living or all of your energy is being expended in living the hopes, dreams and plans of someone else. You've taken a detour from your own life in order for someone else to live theirs.

It may be that now is the time for you to start speaking of your own dreams, goals and boundaries you need to set. When we stop fulfilling everyone else's dreams and goals our own become more real.

Why don't we start to dig up those buried dreams? Don't wait until you're ready to retire. Le'ts put our overextended and misplaced creative energy back into the core of our being.

You may find that unearthing a buried dream can be quite explosive. That enormous surge of energy when you dust off your dream may scream out in grief over the loss and pain you felt when you shoved it away. You mourn the part of you that you abandoned.

It's okay to mourn, allow this pain to strike its lightning bolt of illumination. This is a step to healing and allowing your creative juices to flow.

Let these emotions out, put them in words on paper every morning. Ask the questions and just write about anything and everything that comes through. Julia Cameron calls these "mourning pages." She recommends writing three pages as soon as you awaken before you ever do anything else to get your day going. This is when you're still in the subconscious part of your mind before you allow your conscious to take over. You'll be surprised at what you'll find your subconscious wants you to know, or remembers. This is an excellent way to work things out through acceptance and forgiveness.

Until tomorrow,



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