When we think of Mother, hopefully all of us think of a nurturing, loving, giving, kind person. Someone who takes care of us when we are hurt, physically and emotionally.
This person teaches us to take care of ourselves and to love ourselves, others and life. She teaches us to honor our needs and assists us in integrating our feminine aspects of our personality so that we are able to love.
Unfortunately, not everyone has grown up with a mother who was able to, physically or spiritually, or unwilling to give or teach any of these things to us. This is when we draw upon the Mother Archetype we all possess inside of us to give us what we need.
If we are able to stop projecting our needs onto our own Mother or substitutes for our Mother, we will make our own lives richer and more fulfilling. We will be able to care for ourselves and make our lives right.
The Mother is the functional archetype for the Root Chakra. The more we develop a strong relationship with The Mother, the less the victim will be the center or all-consuming aspect of our lives. Remember that a major part of being a victim is being ungrounded.
The Mother is all about being grounded in earth energy. She nurtures, feeds, watches out for us, and provides for all of our needs. We know she's always there for us no matter what.
The Mother archetype is embedded within all of us. When we lose our grounding - or become the Victim, we have lost contact with the Mother.
As we continue to learn, grow, mature, and are able to confront the challenges that life puts in front of us, and develop the Mother within us. At this point we'll understand our physical limitations, our emotional strength and weakness. We'll focus and think more clearly. When we become our own good mother we'll know where we stand in life.
Life is Mother. The two words are synonymous. When we connect our roots in the earth, our life is simple. The Mother is within, keeping us well and we feel safe.
In this day and age our lives can become complicated and out of balance at the snap of a finger. This is when we need to draw on the Mother within, and do the simple things that give us comfort and ground us.
I find great comfort in gardening, writing and quilting. I am able to settle and ground myself when I work on any of my projects. The chaos of the world and my life isn't as daunting anymore. I am at peace and solutions are easily found for challenges that aren't so complex. These activities help to soothe and heal me - emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Have you ever been able to relate to this feeling of being totally lost and disoriented? Have you stopped doing the things that you love to do?
We all need to be aware of what is needed to keep balance and harmony in our lives. This keeps us nourished, cared for and loved. Mothers tune in to the needs of their children and respond in kind. We have to tune in to our inner self and listen to what we need in order to find balance and harmony in our lives. The more the Mother is active in our lives the healthier and happier we are.
We all have to take responsibility for ourselves. One of these ways is to look after your needs - nurturing and feeling safe and secure. In this way you will discover you have the ability to manage your life leaving you healthy and happy. The better you care for yourself, the less dependent you are upon others to "mother" you.
Some people go through life believing they have to have someone else take care of them and their needs in order to survive. They expect that others will tend to their needs and gratification. They've never learned to be self-sufficient and the Mother archetype has never developed.
When the Mother is weak and undeveloped, you will stumble and fall throughout your life. Mother is the foundation for growth and development, and helps you to become aware of your needs in order to take care of yourself.
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