We can choose to be happy or we can choose to be miserable in every decision that we make. You may be snorting over my comments, thinking why would anyone choose to stay in a job that makes them miserable or with someone who is abusive? You would be surprised how many people do. Perhaps if you look closely, you'll even have to admit to yourself that this could be you.

You are denying your soul happiness. You are denying yourself - your physical being, all the joy in the world if you remain in a (ie. job, relationship, location) where you are completely miserable not only to yourself but to those that you love.
You may say that you don't have anywhere else to go, but you do. There are always choices. Talk to your soul, dig deep inside and find the answers. Are you being fair to yourself or to others?
If you're truly miserable in your job, are you doing the best you can do? How many days are you out sick each month? How often do you schedule vacation because you can't stand to be there any longer? If you truly loved your job you would yearn to go to work each day. Sickness would be an unheard word, because your inner self is happy, not holding on to grudges, hurts or anger.
The same with relationships, past and present. If you continue to hold on to the anger, hurt, grudges, and all of the "stuff", you are keeping yourself from moving forward. If you aren't in the relationship any longer, good for you, but for heaven's sake, let it go.
You won't be able to even get close to another relationship - a good relationship - unless you get rid of all that baggage that you're carrying around with you. Forgive yourself and the other person, release it to the Universe to handle all of those emotions and get on with your life.
If you want to salvage your present relationship, then you need to dig deep to figure out all the positive good reasons to keep it, and get the help you need to restore it. Sometimes no matter how hard we try to hang on to a relationship, it isn't meant to be. If you've done everything you can, and nothing is working, accept defeat and walk away.
There isn't any blame or judgement on either part. There was a purpose for the job, the relationship, or the place you moved to. The Universe put you there for a reason - but you always had a choice to accept or not accept the reason.
It's time that we all learn to open up and listen to our soul. There are some very important messages to be heard. Perhaps if we did, we wouldn't find so much conflict within our lives.
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